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How to Clean and Store Colored Contacts: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

by CHUMINGMING 12 Feb 2025

Step 1: Wash Your Hands Thoroughly

Before you even think about touching your colored contacts, it's essential to wash your hands. This is the first and most crucial step in preventing the transfer of germs and bacteria to your lenses.
  • Use Antibacterial Soap: Grab a mild, antibacterial soap. Avoid using heavily scented soaps as the fragrance can sometimes irritate your eyes if it gets on the lenses.
  • Wash for at Least 20 Seconds: Rub your hands together, making sure to clean between your fingers, under your nails, and on the backs of your hands. Sing the "Happy Birthday" song twice in your head to ensure you've washed for an adequate amount of time.
  • Dry with a Lint - Free Towel: Pat your hands dry with a clean, lint - free towel. Paper towels can leave behind tiny fibers that may stick to your lenses.

Step 2: Remove Your Colored Contacts

If you're new to wearing colored contacts, removing them can seem a bit daunting at first. But with a little practice, it becomes second nature.
  • Look Up: Gently pull down your lower eyelid with your non - dominant hand.
  • Use Your Index Finger: Place your index finger of your dominant hand on the outer edge of the lens. Gently slide the lens down onto the white part of your eye (the sclera).
  • Pinch the Lens: Once the lens is on the sclera, use your thumb and index finger to gently pinch the lens and remove it from your eye.

Step 3: Cleaning Your Colored Contacts

Cleaning your colored contacts properly is vital for maintaining their quality and ensuring your eye health.
  • Rubbing the Lenses:
    • Place a few drops of contact lens cleaning solution on one side of the lens.
    • Using your index finger, gently rub the lens in a circular motion for about 10 - 15 seconds. Make sure to cover the entire surface of the lens.
    • Flip the lens over and repeat the process on the other side.
  • Rinsing the Lenses: After rubbing, rinse the lens thoroughly with the same cleaning solution. Hold the lens over the sink (but be careful not to drop it!) and let the solution flow over the lens to remove any loosened debris or cleaning solution residue.

Step 4: Storing Your Colored Contacts

Storing your colored contacts correctly when they're not in use is just as important as cleaning them.
  • Clean the Contact Lens Case: Empty the old solution from the case. Wash the case with warm, soapy water, making sure to clean all the nooks and crannies. Rinse the case thoroughly with warm water and let it air - dry.
  • Fill the Case with Fresh Solution: Once the case is dry, fill each side of the case with fresh contact lens storage solution. Again, our [Your Store's Storage Solution Name] is an excellent choice.
  • Insert the Cleaned Lenses: Carefully place each cleaned lens into its respective side of the case. Make sure the lens is fully submerged in the solution.
  • Close the Case Tightly: Seal the contact lens case tightly to prevent the solution from evaporating and to keep out any dust or contaminants.

FAQs about Cleaning and Storing Colored Contacts

  • Q: Can I use tap water to clean my colored contacts?
    • A: Absolutely not. Tap water contains bacteria and other microorganisms that can cause serious eye infections. Always use a proper contact lens cleaning and storage solution.
  • Q: How often should I replace my contact lens case?
    • A: It's recommended to replace your contact lens case every 1 - 3 months. Over time, the case can harbor bacteria, even with regular cleaning.
  • Q: Can I use the same solution for cleaning and storing my colored contacts?
    • A: Most multi - purpose contact lens solutions can be used for both cleaning and storing. However, always check the product label to be sure. Our [Your Store's Solution Name] is a multi - purpose solution that is suitable for both tasks.


By following these simple steps for cleaning and storing your colored contacts, you can ensure that your eyes stay healthy, and your lenses remain in top - notch condition. Remember, investing a little time in proper care can go a long way in preventing eye problems. And if you're looking for high - quality contact lens cleaning and storage solutions, don't forget to check out our store's selection. We offer a range of products designed to meet all your contact lens care needs. Shop now and give your eyes the care they deserve!
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