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Tips for Maintaining Healthy Eyes While Wearing Contacts

by CHUMINGMING 12 Mar 2025

Maintaining eye health while wearing contact lenses is crucial for ensuring long-term visual health. Regardless of whether you choose daily, monthly, or quarterly replacement cycles for your contact lenses, following these guidelines will help protect your ocular health.

First and foremost, always wash your hands thoroughly before handling your lenses. This simple step is critical in preventing bacteria and other contaminants from entering your eyes. Use mild, fragrance-free soap and ensure all residue is thoroughly rinsed off to avoid contaminating the lenses.

contact lenses

Secondly, avoid wearing lens while swimming or showering. Microorganisms and chemicals in water can cause serious harm to your eyes, potentially leading to infections. For instance, Acanthamoeba is a single-celled organism found in natural water sources that can lead to a rare but severe infection called Acanthamoeba keratitis, which is complex and difficult to treat. Therefore, it's safest to remove your lenses before any contact with water.

Additionally, never sleep in non-extended wear lenses unless explicitly approved by your doctor. When you close your eyes, the pathway for oxygen to reach the cornea is already blocked, and wearing lenses may further impede this process. Prolonged oxygen deprivation can result in corneal edema and other complications such as corneal neovascularization, which can affect your vision.


contact lenses


Lastly, scheduling regular checkups with your optometrist is essential. Even if you don't feel any discomfort or notice changes in your vision, having a comprehensive eye exam at least once a year is recommended. This not only helps monitor any changes in vision or eye condition but also allows for early detection and treatment of potential issues, ensuring your eyes remain in the best possible condition. By taking these precautions, you can enjoy the convenience of wearing contact lenses while minimizing associated risks.

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