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Can you sleep while wearing colored contact lenses? The consequences are astonishing!

by CHUMINGMING 21 Mar 2025

Colored contact lenses have become a part of many people's makeup. Wearing them can make the eyes look more expressive, brighter, and more beautiful. However, many people are confused about whether they can take a nap while wearing colored contact lenses. Today, we have invited an ophthalmologist from the hospital to explain it to you in detail.

Colored contact lenses

Can you take a nap while wearing colored contact lenses?
If the nap time is short, less than 30 minutes, it's okay to squint for a while with the colored contact lenses on. But once the time exceeds 30 minutes, it's a wise choice to take off the colored contact lenses. You know, the oxygen permeability of colored contact lenses is inherently lower than that of ordinary contact lenses, and the cornea of the eye mainly obtains nutrients by directly absorbing oxygen from the air. When you close your eyes while sleeping and still wear colored contact lenses, the cornea will be severely short of oxygen, which may lead to problems such as corneal edema and corneal neovascularization. So, everyone should be cautious and try not to sleep with colored contact lenses for a long time.

What will happen if you wear colored contact lenses during a nap for a long time?
Cause eye hypoxia!
Adequate breathing is the key to keeping the eyes healthy. When you sleep, your eyes are closed, and their breathing ability is already weakened. Since the oxygen permeability of colored contact lenses is poor, it's as if your eyes' "nose and mouth" are covered, and they can't breathe freely. This will make the eyes hypoxic due to the inability to breathe, which will irritate the eyes and make them feel uncomfortable.
Cause dry and itchy eyes

Colored contact lenses

The moisturizing property of contact lenses is not good. Because there are pigments and chemical substances precipitated on the surface of colored contact lenses, their moisturizing property is at the bottom among various types of glasses. When you sleep, the eyes' oxygen supply ability is weak. If you wear colored contact lenses at this time, the eyes will be extremely short of water, just like being in a desert. After waking up, it's easy to have symptoms such as dry eyes, itchy eyes, and red eyes, which will cause great harm to the eyes.
Easily crush the colored contact lenses

Colored contact lenses

Colored contact lenses are soft and fit well when they are in contact with water, but they will become dry and hard once they lack water. During sleep, the secretion in the eyes decreases, the friction between the colored contact lenses and the eyes increases, and both the moisture levels decline. If you take a nap while lying prone, the pressure from your arm is likely to make the colored contact lenses crack, and this may damage the eyeball!

Guys, for the health of our eyes, we should take the matter of sleeping with colored contact lenses seriously. Quickly share this knowledge with the sisters around you who love wearing colored contact lenses!

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