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Have you chosen the right diameter and coloring diameter for your colored contact lenses?!!

by CHUMINGMING 12 Mar 2025

Firstly, it's not that the larger the diameter of colored contact lenses is, the better! Everyone's eye shape is different, and suitability is more important than size. When I first started wearing contact lenses, I think many people blindly pursued larger diameters. But if you really try it out, you'll understand that wearing a bigger one actually makes your eyes look smaller because it will cover most of the white space and make your eyes look dull. It's still better to leave some white space for a better look.


colored contact lenses

The contact lens diameter refers to the size of the entire lens, including the outermost transparent edge. Colored diameter refers to the part of the lens with colored patterns. The coloring diameter of colored contact lenses directly determines the pupil dilation effect after wearing them. The larger the coloring diameter is, the more obvious the pupil dilation effect will be. Some contact lenses may have a larger diameter, but the actual coloring diameter is very small, so when buying, these two diameters should be combined to look at together.


13.2mm small diameter, slightly dilated pupils, very natural to wear.

13.3mm~13.6mm medium diameter, natural dilation is suitable for most people.

13.8mm large diameter, with obvious pupil expansion effect, suitable for people with large eyes and white eyes.


colored contact lenses


The diameter should be combined with the coloring diameter.According to feedback from most users, the diameter of 14mm-14.3mm and the coloring diameter of 13.3-13.6mm are the least picky sizes, and wearing them naturally magnifies the eyes, making the gaze appear deep.

After reading the above tips about the diameter and coloring diameter of colored contact lenses, I believe you now have a clearer understanding of how to choose the right colored contact lenses. Stop following the trend blindly. It's time to choose a pair of colored contact lenses that truly suit you!

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